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  • Milling machine

  • Grinding machine

  • Gear cutting machine

  • Sheet metal working

  • Additive manufacturing

  • Miscellaneous machine

  • Peripheral

  • Machine accessories

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Trade-in deals and business liquidations

On schedule, dedicated installation team, professional logistics

Do you want to sell individual machine tools or trade them in when making a new purchase?
Our core business is offering trade-in deals for machines after making a reliable assessment of their value. This applies to individual machine tools as well as complete production facilities of all sizes with a purchase value of up to 5 million euros. Talk to us about swift company takeovers, liquidation of businesses or parts of businesses and the purchase of machine packages handed over with a clean sweep.

  • Market-driven valuation
  • Timely processing
  • Payment before collection
  • 3,700 m² of storage space in our depots
  • Dedicated professional installation team

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Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH

Gewerbering 6

82140 Olching

+49 8142 4487-100




Milling machines

Grinding machines

Sheet metal working

Additive manufacturing

Miscellanous machines


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